
Live streaming

The benefits of live streaming, virtual conferences, product launches and exhibitions can be huge and as audiences have become accustomed to attending virtually, streaming has become a necessity.

And professional-quality live streaming doesn’t have to be expensive. We have experience in global streaming via social channels such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Workplace.

Whether it’s a live feed, intermission graphics, section intros, you name it we’ve produced it and operated the live transmission through LinkedIn or as a direct link so people can watch it in their office, at home or on their mobile devices.

Some clients have reported their best-ever attendances using live streaming, social streaming and post-show recordings.

IFS Unleashed 2022 - Highlights
Lewis Capaldi at IFS World Conference in Boston
IFS Cloud Launch Video

7 x Benefits of Live Streaming

1. Increased audience reach: Streaming events can attract a global audience that would otherwise be unable to attend in person.

2. Cost-effective: Streaming is typically more affordable than hosting an in-person event, as it eliminates the need for a physical venue, catering, and other expenses associated with a traditional event.

3. Convenience: Streaming events can be viewed from anywhere, at any time, providing flexibility and convenience for the audience.

4. Interactivity: Streaming events can be interactive, allowing viewers to ask questions, participate in polls, and engage with the content in real-time.

5. Increased engagement: Streaming events can generate higher levels of engagement than pre-recorded content, as viewers feel a sense of urgency to tune in and participate.

6. Analytics: Streaming platforms often provide detailed analytics and metrics that can be used to measure audience engagement and gather valuable insights for future events.

7. Brand exposure: Streaming events can help to build brand awareness and increase exposure for companies, as they are able to reach a wider audience and showcase their products or services in a more engaging way.

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…All I heard was praises and how professionally everything was done! A proper partnership between our organizations.

CEO, Mlily

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